Coleman MicroPacker Compact Battery Lantern Coleman 5319-700
Coleman MicroPacker Compact Battery Lantern Coleman 5319-700 has been created for the purpose. The products have high demand in the market. Because I use the most. Coleman MicroPacker Compact Battery Lantern Coleman 5319-700 is also the product sales of the top. Compared with the same products. And effective. Coleman MicroPacker Compact Battery Lantern Coleman 5319-700 is an opportunity for you to have a good product, it is very occupied. Coleman MicroPacker Compact Battery Lantern Coleman 5319-700 is affordable when compared with the features and performance it has. Coleman MicroPacker Compact Battery Lantern Coleman 5319-700The Coleman Limited Warranty
All Coleman products have a warranty against defects in material and workmanship, and the MicroPacker Compact Battery Lantern includes a limited one-year manufacturer's warranty.
About Coleman Outdoor Products
More than 100 years ago, an entrepreneurial young man named W.C. Coleman had an idea for manufacturing better lanterns in Wichita, Kansas. A century later, Coleman's current catalog features a wide-ranging array of products that make spending time outside a pleasure. The company crafts coolers that keep food and drinks cold for days, airbeds that are comfortable and won't deflate during the night, a complete line of bright and long-lasting LED lights, powerful portable grills that cook with an authentic open-grill flame, and more.
Coleman MicroPacker Compact Battery Lantern Coleman 5319-700
- Compact, space-saving lantern runs up to 15 hours on three AA batteries
- Two bright, long-lasting, 0.5-millimeter LEDs provide a surprising amount of light
- Reflector slides up to project forward-shining beam for flashlight-style use; collapsible design folds down by half for packing
- 7.5-inch tall lantern weighs just seven ounces, including batteries
- Includes limited one-year manufacturer's warranty
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